Poster Presentation

This visual format of presentation will follow the same general guidelines as the oral presentations of presenting in an approachable, general format that can be understood by a non-specialist, educated community. Like the three-minute presentations, those showing posters will be able to practice sharing their research quickly and effectively as well as answering questions. The best presentation will receive a prize and will be digitized as an exemplar for future conferences. If you're not sure about your own skills and are wondering "Who could do my excel homework?", you can find the writers at


Posters may display information in any way the author chooses, and may use figures, graphs, tables, text, photographs, etc. They must include the title, abstract, name of author(s), and the affiliated institution of the author(s). They should, but are not required to, contain an introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and references. See resources below for tips on how to design an effective poster presentation.

Posters are limited to 36” in height by 48” in length. Each presenter will be assigned a location for his/her poster, and supplies for mounting posters will be provided. Presenters should hang their poster prior to the session beginning and should remove their poster within one-half hour after the session closes.


Tips on Poster Presentations at Professional Conferences by Scott W. Plunkett:


Tips for Poster Design and Layout:


Tips on Presenting a Poster by Jeffrey Borkan:


Poster Checklist from The University of Washington:







Michigan State University's 

Council Of Graduate Students 

March 27, 2022